10 Steps to Write a Memorable Article

However, if you itemize the process of writing an article in several parts, this will be easier to organize your thoughts and produce an interesting article. It is worth noting that here we aim for excellence instead of mediocrity. Items are mediocre sink without a trace; unless you can make your story out of the ordinary, this will have little long-term impact.

1. Think of a Title

  • A good title is essential to create the initial interest on the Internet. 
  • If the insipid title, you lose 50% of potential readers before they reach the first paragraph.
  • Of course, make sure you know what you're writing. Writers can not live only of good headlines.

2. Have a clear objective
For a large extent, this will be determined by the title. But, when you write an article think about:

  • What is the target audience?
  • What is my goal with this article?
  • What can I add value that has not published before?
  • What is the optimal long?
  • Do not try too many things in one article. Separate it into several sections.
  • Write with confidence and authority.

3. Plan of 7 to 10 points, seven leading paragraphs of Article
You do not have to write a list (although often works well on the Internet). However, this is a good idea to have a plan, which breaks down the article into manageable sections. After you've made a small list of what will be your single item must expand these points and explain them. It becomes less intimidating to write 1000 words per article when you have this structure.

4. Write with enthusiasm
The next step is to obtain the flow of writing. Do not aspire to perfection, just write the ideas you come to mind. (Try to imagine talking if you get stuck). You do not have to start from the beginning. Start from anywhere.

5. Stage review
The next step is to look for your work, prepare to cut unnecessary or dangerous pieces. (No prizes for writing more words If you can get the same effect using fewer words. - Think of it as an improvement)

6. Check Grammar and Spelling
You may have this in step 5. However, it is worth trying to improve the overall level of Spanish and basic grammar. Avoid common mistakes.

7. If the item is important to wait 24 hours before publishing
The important things are advisable to wait out the night and do another review. Very often time gives you the opportunity to develop what is right to say.

8. Post
The easiest part

9. Taking into account the comments
Sometimes you get comments, some positive and some negative. If people take the opportunity to offer comments, see this as a compliment and be prepared to improve the original article. (In practice, I rarely do this, but a few remarks have helped to improve an article)

10. Promote Article
You've written a brilliant article - but nobody is reading. Unfortunately, this is a common problem for novice bloggers. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to spend a lot of time promoting the item as well as writing it. But the article is wasted if efforts are not made to improve it.

Writing articles is like any activity, the more you practice, the better you will become. Do not worry about achieving perfection with each item. This type of fear is not suitable for writing. Lookbook as an opportunity to learn and improve.
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