Write an article can take a long time, but if you have an order of ideas and an established technique for writing, it will be very smooth. If you are people who think too much and run short, I share three tips to realize your ideas and finally give the button click "publish."
Order Your Ideas
Surely you have in mind many issues to develop but do not manage to do it, what do you think if you propose to revise and execute those ideas ?. One way to help do that is to use mental maps or diagrams; this technique is quite functional when you need a visual tool.
There are several online options as Cacoo and bubble.us that are free and easy to use instruments to help you stay so long to create diagrams, and you focus more on distribution issues.
An important aspect to mention is the fulfillment of your goals because you are clear what you want to carry out, in this case, one or more items put time limits. Otherwise, you could spend months without concluding a topic, use online tools to organize your projects by assigning a deadline date and even time of publication.
Establish a Basic Structure
It is important that you determine what the structure of your article, the chosen theme takes keywords, relevant and not pertinent to know how to distribute all information within the same aspects. Create content for the web it requires many aspects to consider as the choice of title, usability in the text, the correct wording of the lead to capture the reader's attention, the uniformity, etc.
I recommend reviewing the structure of the inverted pyramid model, and Margaret is two ways of writing a text. I share the images of these structures so that you have a better idea of how to use them and some of its main features:
The Inverted Pyramid
The image taken from the e-book How to Write for the Web of Guillermo Franco, the feature of this structure is that the LEAD contains the vital information of the news and answer the five essential questions of the note.

From the second paragraph, the information is developed from the most important to reach further details, finishing with very relevant but necessary information.
Model Margarita
This model is a proposal of the e-book you have five seconds of Juan Carlos Camus, where he outlined the development of digital content in 7 steps: Define, Create, mediate, Interactive, Bottling, Publish, and Manage. You also I leave the image you see the design of the model:
Please reference links within the content, use of pictures, videos to make your article more entertaining and uses social networks to spread your content. Review the tips to promote your work on the web.
There is no way to perfect a skill if you do not exercise, keep a constant rate of writing, use online tools to it as 750words.com to create a habit of writing checks web resources for writers and no matter if you have an issue specifically for your blog.
Think about what you enjoy doing, how you spend your free time and write about it. You will notice during practice that every time it will be the easier flow of words to write your article.
And we will share as writing an article on teachers and even a guide, but it is your responsibility to keep constantly moving your fingers on the keys of your computer. Free your mind and do not waste your time thinking about what you want to do, just do it, let your goals put the pace and published.
Order Your Ideas
Surely you have in mind many issues to develop but do not manage to do it, what do you think if you propose to revise and execute those ideas ?. One way to help do that is to use mental maps or diagrams; this technique is quite functional when you need a visual tool.
There are several online options as Cacoo and bubble.us that are free and easy to use instruments to help you stay so long to create diagrams, and you focus more on distribution issues.
An important aspect to mention is the fulfillment of your goals because you are clear what you want to carry out, in this case, one or more items put time limits. Otherwise, you could spend months without concluding a topic, use online tools to organize your projects by assigning a deadline date and even time of publication.
Establish a Basic Structure
It is important that you determine what the structure of your article, the chosen theme takes keywords, relevant and not pertinent to know how to distribute all information within the same aspects. Create content for the web it requires many aspects to consider as the choice of title, usability in the text, the correct wording of the lead to capture the reader's attention, the uniformity, etc.
I recommend reviewing the structure of the inverted pyramid model, and Margaret is two ways of writing a text. I share the images of these structures so that you have a better idea of how to use them and some of its main features:
The Inverted Pyramid
The image taken from the e-book How to Write for the Web of Guillermo Franco, the feature of this structure is that the LEAD contains the vital information of the news and answer the five essential questions of the note.

From the second paragraph, the information is developed from the most important to reach further details, finishing with very relevant but necessary information.
Model Margarita
This model is a proposal of the e-book you have five seconds of Juan Carlos Camus, where he outlined the development of digital content in 7 steps: Define, Create, mediate, Interactive, Bottling, Publish, and Manage. You also I leave the image you see the design of the model:
Please reference links within the content, use of pictures, videos to make your article more entertaining and uses social networks to spread your content. Review the tips to promote your work on the web.
There is no way to perfect a skill if you do not exercise, keep a constant rate of writing, use online tools to it as 750words.com to create a habit of writing checks web resources for writers and no matter if you have an issue specifically for your blog.
Think about what you enjoy doing, how you spend your free time and write about it. You will notice during practice that every time it will be the easier flow of words to write your article.
And we will share as writing an article on teachers and even a guide, but it is your responsibility to keep constantly moving your fingers on the keys of your computer. Free your mind and do not waste your time thinking about what you want to do, just do it, let your goals put the pace and published.
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