Ignorance of techniques to position content and, especially, how to choose the right keywords for them is one of the biggest drags on, but the largest, with which to load a new online project, the type of website that is, a blog, a corporate website or e-commerce store.
In fact, sometimes I even managed to piss me off when I read over and over the same false myths of blogging. Among them one of the most repeated is the one who says at the beginning do not need to know about SEO (Search Engine Optimization, search engine optimization) or keywords and optimize over time, right content position alone.
I was pissed off because, especially for people new to this, are very dangerous guidelines.
They are dangerous because if someone keeps leaving aside the SEO of its contents, has enough ballots to be ignored by Google for a long time.
The reality is that visitors come to you alone with good content when you follow many people and because then the followers themselves are responsible for the spread and if the content is up, forms a small viral effect.
Apart from the direct traffic it generates, makes Google see appear links in social networks, with some luck also on some website with some authority, and, as a result, begins to position that content for the different searches long tail (searches with many words) that are difficult to predict.
But at first, when you have such a community, what do you do with the problem of the chicken and the egg? Where do those first initial links you need to Google make some case?
If content does not reach a threshold of rapid visibility, you're likely to die forever. If you do not get a minimum of links in a few weeks, your content will never position because you can say that for all practical purposes do not exist because nobody sees it, which, were going out those links that were just positioning?
There is an intangible, difficult to gauge threshold, but from which a particular "ignition" occurs because once sufficiently well placed for certain keywords, such visibility allows the content to keep getting links gradually over time. Hold that position in Google or exceptionally even become viral, meaning you get links to speed to a snowball effect.
This blog has posts that have not reached that threshold and do not receive or three visits a day and others who receive an average of around 200 visits when the quality of the content is similar.
The difference is that the former are posts of the early blog that had at the time with the handicap of a potential very modest diffusion and which also actually made the mistake of neglecting. SEO without seeking actively some niche searches that could have fit have a level of competence and affordable to maintain some degree of visibility continued.
But it is more, even on a blog that over time has reached a threshold community that allows you to enjoy the "effect of ignition" described above so that good content is positioned just is not true, or at least not altogether.
The result of the community, in this case, is like when you buy friends and family; it is a help, but it is not a natural sale because you have not positioned in a market with sustainable natural demand.
I have moved for many years in the retail sector, and I have often seen people (almost all newbies to undertake) to commit this serious flaw. So sure how good your idea to open a shop without even such basic tasks as a market study and eat, how could it be otherwise, a resounding failure.
The saddest thing is that it was an attempt to burn the last cartridge out of a desperate employment situation, and the result had been to move from a difficult personal situation to dramatic personal circumstances, with significant debts and other problems before, when in many cases least did not have.
Back to our own, the conclusion of this is to create content "to brave" without analyzing what might be the right keywords for that content and hope you get traffic from Google without studying a little. What people demand is similar to the situation described above: to offer a product (content) or market (the searches performed by users) blindly. If you are lucky, you give in SEO nail without looking for it, but the reality is that it is very unlikely to happen.
The subject as such is a content of interest to very few people. In this case, you have a problem with your post entirely. If you do not mind the number of reads and just want you to do, perfect, missing more. But if you get readings if you care then, that effort sized invest in another line and change the subject.
Micro: The theme is right, you're in a niche with demand, but you're not using language that people use in search engines, i.e., are not using the most appropriate on the main points of SEO On Page keywords (Title, subtitles, URL, meta description, text post). This case is very easy to correct because it is only a matter of adjusting some words. Google is often a matter of trivial nuances. Check out the image below to get an idea of how stupid they can to get these nuances, however, the difference that gives or not spot on with this.
So what you are doing Google is free to give an enormous and valuable market research in which you can see in high detail demand "Google market" to fit your content offering best with it.
What to do then?
First, as an immediate action, begin to devote to each contained a "mini-market study" with the planner Google to try to locate keywords usefully (good traffic and affordable competition), a task that with some practice do not you should steal more than 5-10 minutes.
Of course, many times you will not find. Nothing happens, we must assume, is what is not when there missed opportunities.
In another post, we will make a more detailed brief tutorial, but if you want to have and a little more concrete idea to start using this tool from now, check out this post that also complements perfectly with today's post.
1. Make sure that you are indexing Google
Google to see you, the most basic way to notify your existence is a sitemap which also has the advantage of providing Google all links of your site in one go for the indexing. So do not depend on the relationships they arrive from typical sources such as tweets, Facebook or Google+ entries or a link from another blog. However, the latter will remain important for your rankings in Google.
Good news is that this not costs any work have a sitemap since there are plugins like Google XML Sitemaps WordPress SEO or generate and automatically uploaded to Google.
2. Learn basic SEO On Page
The next action would be to get to do basic SEO On Page.
3. Identify your (s) niche (s)
And only with the above two actions you've improved a lot in a short time your chances of getting traffic from Google because they are two very quick things to put into practice and that, however, already have a vital in positioning your content impact.
From here, a little play action medium term. Once you have I practice a bit optimizing your content for certain keywords, I would recommend a review of your site with "bird's eye view".
This process will be fascinating to assess the potential of your blog on Google and sure to find things that lead you to change your blog's general approach and your editorial line.
I assure you that if you do it right, you will see things with new eyes of all the conclusions you can draw from this.
4. Create an SEO strategy for your content
More bombastic than it is. It is not about designing great strategies but only put some order and common sense in the organization and the editorial calendar of your content.
The idea is that if you are clear what lines of content you want to keep the medium term are, then you have the opportunity to reconcile this much better with SEO.
For example, in the keyword analysis probably you detect some particularly "juicy" niches that give for several posts each (oriented to different variants search the niche), and that fit perfectly with the expectations of your readers and the type of content you fancy that you publish.
In this case, plan this with a little advance, with a small road, if only roughly, lets you create more consistent content together and appealing to your readers while optimized ahead of demand in Google. Make you grow much faster in visits that can identify and prioritize issues with much search volume over others, information that an SEO strategy disjointed go discovering a much more random.
5. Make some Linkbuilding
All this is fine, but searches with little competition also need to reach a minimum threshold of links from quality sites (sites with authority) to position your content. Here, the SEO On Page is necessary, but not sufficient.
If you're new to this can overwhelm you a bit these techniques that I just suggested, but as always, do not obsess or overwhelmed. Actions 1 and 2 recommend that you bring into practice as soon as possible, they are quick and efficient. But the rest is more laborious, and something to Irlo implemented gradually.
On the other hand, do not be tempted to prioritize SEO blog above. SEO only helps, but the important thing is the input value to your readers. What is to optimize things seeking that perfect blend of content and SEO, not content to start doing so distorted by the SEO that is no longer attractive to the reader.
As we comment on occasion, what good is to be the No. 1 in Google if your user then runs? Therefore, the No. 1 priority is and will always remain the content above everything else.
In fact, sometimes I even managed to piss me off when I read over and over the same false myths of blogging. Among them one of the most repeated is the one who says at the beginning do not need to know about SEO (Search Engine Optimization, search engine optimization) or keywords and optimize over time, right content position alone.
I was pissed off because, especially for people new to this, are very dangerous guidelines.
They are dangerous because if someone keeps leaving aside the SEO of its contents, has enough ballots to be ignored by Google for a long time.
The reality is that visitors come to you alone with good content when you follow many people and because then the followers themselves are responsible for the spread and if the content is up, forms a small viral effect.
Apart from the direct traffic it generates, makes Google see appear links in social networks, with some luck also on some website with some authority, and, as a result, begins to position that content for the different searches long tail (searches with many words) that are difficult to predict.
But at first, when you have such a community, what do you do with the problem of the chicken and the egg? Where do those first initial links you need to Google make some case?
If content does not reach a threshold of rapid visibility, you're likely to die forever. If you do not get a minimum of links in a few weeks, your content will never position because you can say that for all practical purposes do not exist because nobody sees it, which, were going out those links that were just positioning?
There is an intangible, difficult to gauge threshold, but from which a particular "ignition" occurs because once sufficiently well placed for certain keywords, such visibility allows the content to keep getting links gradually over time. Hold that position in Google or exceptionally even become viral, meaning you get links to speed to a snowball effect.
This blog has posts that have not reached that threshold and do not receive or three visits a day and others who receive an average of around 200 visits when the quality of the content is similar.
The difference is that the former are posts of the early blog that had at the time with the handicap of a potential very modest diffusion and which also actually made the mistake of neglecting. SEO without seeking actively some niche searches that could have fit have a level of competence and affordable to maintain some degree of visibility continued.
Google is a market demand keywords and your content supply
But it is more, even on a blog that over time has reached a threshold community that allows you to enjoy the "effect of ignition" described above so that good content is positioned just is not true, or at least not altogether.
The result of the community, in this case, is like when you buy friends and family; it is a help, but it is not a natural sale because you have not positioned in a market with sustainable natural demand.
I have moved for many years in the retail sector, and I have often seen people (almost all newbies to undertake) to commit this serious flaw. So sure how good your idea to open a shop without even such basic tasks as a market study and eat, how could it be otherwise, a resounding failure.
The saddest thing is that it was an attempt to burn the last cartridge out of a desperate employment situation, and the result had been to move from a difficult personal situation to dramatic personal circumstances, with significant debts and other problems before, when in many cases least did not have.
Back to our own, the conclusion of this is to create content "to brave" without analyzing what might be the right keywords for that content and hope you get traffic from Google without studying a little. What people demand is similar to the situation described above: to offer a product (content) or market (the searches performed by users) blindly. If you are lucky, you give in SEO nail without looking for it, but the reality is that it is very unlikely to happen.
The subject as such is a content of interest to very few people. In this case, you have a problem with your post entirely. If you do not mind the number of reads and just want you to do, perfect, missing more. But if you get readings if you care then, that effort sized invest in another line and change the subject.
Micro: The theme is right, you're in a niche with demand, but you're not using language that people use in search engines, i.e., are not using the most appropriate on the main points of SEO On Page keywords (Title, subtitles, URL, meta description, text post). This case is very easy to correct because it is only a matter of adjusting some words. Google is often a matter of trivial nuances. Check out the image below to get an idea of how stupid they can to get these nuances, however, the difference that gives or not spot on with this.
So what you are doing Google is free to give an enormous and valuable market research in which you can see in high detail demand "Google market" to fit your content offering best with it.
What to do then?
First, as an immediate action, begin to devote to each contained a "mini-market study" with the planner Google to try to locate keywords usefully (good traffic and affordable competition), a task that with some practice do not you should steal more than 5-10 minutes.
Of course, many times you will not find. Nothing happens, we must assume, is what is not when there missed opportunities.
In another post, we will make a more detailed brief tutorial, but if you want to have and a little more concrete idea to start using this tool from now, check out this post that also complements perfectly with today's post.
1. Make sure that you are indexing Google
Google to see you, the most basic way to notify your existence is a sitemap which also has the advantage of providing Google all links of your site in one go for the indexing. So do not depend on the relationships they arrive from typical sources such as tweets, Facebook or Google+ entries or a link from another blog. However, the latter will remain important for your rankings in Google.
Good news is that this not costs any work have a sitemap since there are plugins like Google XML Sitemaps WordPress SEO or generate and automatically uploaded to Google.
2. Learn basic SEO On Page
The next action would be to get to do basic SEO On Page.
3. Identify your (s) niche (s)
And only with the above two actions you've improved a lot in a short time your chances of getting traffic from Google because they are two very quick things to put into practice and that, however, already have a vital in positioning your content impact.
From here, a little play action medium term. Once you have I practice a bit optimizing your content for certain keywords, I would recommend a review of your site with "bird's eye view".
This process will be fascinating to assess the potential of your blog on Google and sure to find things that lead you to change your blog's general approach and your editorial line.
I assure you that if you do it right, you will see things with new eyes of all the conclusions you can draw from this.
4. Create an SEO strategy for your content
More bombastic than it is. It is not about designing great strategies but only put some order and common sense in the organization and the editorial calendar of your content.
The idea is that if you are clear what lines of content you want to keep the medium term are, then you have the opportunity to reconcile this much better with SEO.
For example, in the keyword analysis probably you detect some particularly "juicy" niches that give for several posts each (oriented to different variants search the niche), and that fit perfectly with the expectations of your readers and the type of content you fancy that you publish.
In this case, plan this with a little advance, with a small road, if only roughly, lets you create more consistent content together and appealing to your readers while optimized ahead of demand in Google. Make you grow much faster in visits that can identify and prioritize issues with much search volume over others, information that an SEO strategy disjointed go discovering a much more random.
5. Make some Linkbuilding
All this is fine, but searches with little competition also need to reach a minimum threshold of links from quality sites (sites with authority) to position your content. Here, the SEO On Page is necessary, but not sufficient.
If you're new to this can overwhelm you a bit these techniques that I just suggested, but as always, do not obsess or overwhelmed. Actions 1 and 2 recommend that you bring into practice as soon as possible, they are quick and efficient. But the rest is more laborious, and something to Irlo implemented gradually.
On the other hand, do not be tempted to prioritize SEO blog above. SEO only helps, but the important thing is the input value to your readers. What is to optimize things seeking that perfect blend of content and SEO, not content to start doing so distorted by the SEO that is no longer attractive to the reader.
As we comment on occasion, what good is to be the No. 1 in Google if your user then runs? Therefore, the No. 1 priority is and will always remain the content above everything else.
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